Fatigue Risk Management

Pipeline Performance Group focuses on Control Room Management (CRM) programs for oil and gas pipeline control rooms. An integral component of all Control Room Management programs is Fatigue Risk Management. We develop Fatigue Risk Management Systems that include training and education on fatigue risk management. Companies provide our annual Managing Fatigue calendars and monthly articles to shiftworkers in order to have regular, ongoing reminders about how to mitigate fatigue on and off the job.

Fatigue Risk Management Systems

Fatigue Risk Management Systems – assessment, development and implementation using hazard analysis methods and best practices. These systems satisfy and exceed CRM regulatory requirements.

Shift Schedules

Pipeline Performance Group analyzes and advises on shift schedules, using fatigue modeling software. We partner with Interdynamics Pty. Ltd, the providers of FAID™ and other software for fatigue risk management.

Fatigue Hazard Analysis

Pipeline Performance Group performs fatigue hazard analyses to identify hazards in the control room environment and in the tasks employees are required to perform. The consultants provide recommendations to address the hazards and to reduce the risks of a fatigue-related incident.

Fatigue Management Training

We develop and deliver fatigue management educational materials and provide classroom, interactive remote and computer-based training courses.

Fatigue Management Educational Materials

Pipeline Performance Group has developed alertness exercises and other fatigue countermeasures for practical use in control rooms.  We have created educational materials, including an annual “managing fatigue” calendar and monthly articles.

Control Room Management Plans & Audit Assistance

Controller Workload & Human Factors Assessments

Fatigue Risk Management

Training, Education & Procedures

Customer Companies
Control Rooms Visited
CRM Related Projects
Workload Assessments Performed

*Current as of January 2025